Continuing Education

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Teaching Pelvic Health Practitioners Worldwide

Kathe offers pelvic health continuing education in online, self-paced courses for advanced practitioners. The web-based platform Teachable allows participants to move through content at their own pace and pose questions to be answered by Kathe along the way. Courses center on multi-media curriculum developed by Kathe, featuring videos, slides, handouts and clinic guides.

Current Course Offerings

Pelvic Floor Support Systems in Postpartum Recovery, Pelvic Pain and Prolapse

~ 10 Contact CEU Hours ~

A web-based, self-paced, continuing education course

This course focuses on evaluation and treatment of the pelvic support system when pelvic floor dysfunction is present. Throughout the course, Kathe emphasizes patient education and individualized functional treatment progressions.

Designed for Experienced Pelvic Health Practitioners

You already know a lot…and you know there’s a lot more to learn. Kathe presents important findings from the latest research and speaks directly to the pelvic health practitioner who has experience…and questions. The online platform allows participants to ask questions that Kathe answers during the session: participants also benefit from seeing questions and answers from other practitioners taking the course.

What You’ll Gain from This Course

  • In-depth understanding of advanced myofascial anatomy and the pelvic floor support system
  • Increased skill in evaluation of levator ani injury, external perineal measurements (gh, pb – from the POP-Q) used for postpartum, pelvic pain and prolapse evaluations and rehab treatment planning
  • A complete understanding of prolapse quantification (POP-Q), prolapse staging and treatment options
  • A better understanding of prolapse, perineocele, enterocele, levator ani (LA) avulsion and sites of pelvic pain referral by viewing examination videos and lectures demonstrating internal pelvic floor evaluation techniques with and without a half speculum
  • Knowledge of breathing strategies to use or not use with functional movements
  • Up-to-date information on ways to evaluate and manage intraabdominal pressure (IAP) with PFD patients
  • Three key techniques of a standing pelvic floor exam in patients with PFD
  • Current evidence about vocalization and intraabdominal pressure and the pelvic floor
  • An introduction to Hypopressive technique breathing


Pressure, Posture, Pulls and Performance in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

~ 7 Contact CEU Hours ~

An online, self-paced, continuing education course

This course expands on the information available in the Pelvic Floor Support Systems course and contains both foundational and advanced topics regarding the four topics of Pressure management, Posture, Pulls and Performance. The course development was inspired by the increasing interest in addressing more than just pelvic floor exercise in the management of pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD). Throughout the course, Kathe melds several treatment philosophies and provides research to support her information and practical clinical pearls to apply them. No internal examination techniques are instructed or required for registration.

Designed for Pelvic Health, Orthopedic and Sports Practitioners

Kathe presents information applicable to all levels of practitioners providing important findings from the latest research. She may present information you have already learned but will challenge your assumptions about it. The online platform allows participants to ask questions that Kathe answers: participants also benefit from seeing questions and answers from other practitioners taking the course.

Course Outline

  • Introduction – Expanding the Scope of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Exam and Treatment
  • Pressure â€“ Definitions, Measurements and Terminology, Diaphragm Assessment and Treatment
  • Posture – with PFD and for IAP Management
  • Pulls – The biomechanical/musculoskeletal factors that can affect PFD infrasternal angle, scar tissue, joint, fascial, and visceral considerations
  • Performance – Abdominal wall activation patterns, Breathing and IAP management, lifting and running strategies for the active client
  • Educating your referral base or providers- Bibliography of current research on the four P’s.

What You’ll Gain from This Course

Up-to-date information on ways to evaluate and manage PFD patients considering the four screening/treatment categories of pressure, posture, pulls and performance.


It is clear to me that Kathe’s ability as a teacher comes from her experience, caring, willingness to listen and desire to learn from her patients. She creates an environment that is a perfect balance of focus and fun. My advice, take a course from her earlier in your career rather than later!

Karen Greeley

Hosting Kathe for a Lecture, Seminar or Course

Kathe can present several topics on pelvic floor dysfunction as a guest at your school, organization or meeting. These can be open to the public or designed for a specific closed group. Arrangements can be made for a variety of options around who (Kathe or the host site) organizes venue, registration and administration. Typically, Kathe books out 6-12 months in advance.

Sample courses currently being offered:

  • Pelvic Floor Support Systems in Post-Partum Recovery, Pelvic Pain and Prolapse
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 101
  • Foundations of the Pelvic Girdle
  • Pelvic Floor Connections

For more details and to inquire about Kathe’s availability, please fill out the Host a Course Form:

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